On Wednesday October 27th, 2021 the Transformative Justice Taskforce hosted a panel discussion on cash bail. This panel was moderated by Kat Brady, a long time community justice advocate and coordinator of the Community Alliance on Prisons (CAP). The four panelists: Sara Gaspar, Michael Gaspar, Kano’eauna’inoa "Na’i" Awo, and Candy Matautia shared their personal stories about how cash bail laws impacted them and their communities when they were previously incarcerated. If you missed the panel you can view a recording here: fb.watch/91EzYql3qK/
Below are a few remarks from the panelists:
“Studies have shown that the inequities of the cash bail system in Hawai’i fall disproportionately on Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders who are more likely to be arrested, detained, and unable to afford bail. Therefore these types of things target Native Hawaiian communities, low income families who are less likely to afford bail therefore will be in the jail system longer.. and we know us in jail are no use to anybody. We belong out here in our communities” - Na’i Awo
“We come from an economically depressed community. We need more people like you folks to stand up for us.” - Sara Gaspar
“If we could get more people empowered [to] show compassion. . . it would be aloha, it would be mahalo. . . . It would be[good] for us to work together as a community, as an ohana, just to uplift, to praise, to hear those good things; it would make a difference.” - Candy Matautia
“In our communities the cost of living just adds. I mean look how hard it is to just to keep a roof over your head. We need more resources, more resources with treatment centers, more resources with affordable housing. When they say affordable housing, there is nothing I can afford!.. We need our politicians and our people in higher places to do more things that’s going to give more instead of taking.” - Michael Gaspar
Cash Bail Panel 2 of 2 -- Legislators
December 1st, 2021 , 6:00pm–7:30pm HST
Register: tinyurl.com/bailreformHI
Join Faith Action for the second panel to discuss cash bail in Hawai'i. This time we will talk story with some legislators who are proposing bail reform bills. Come listen in, ask your questions, and find out how to get involved in the next session.
Panelists: Senator Karl Rhoads, Representative Sonny Ganadan, Representative Scot Matayoshi, and Moderator TBD.